Evidence of Life

Barriers of the mind can prevent truth reaching the heart. The mind, however, is not an obstacle to be repressed or ignored. It is the non-truths that are held as truth which need to be dismantled.

Everyone has a view about God, Creation and the Universe, the Bible, Jesus Christ, Christians, Religion, the Church, Sin, the Origin of Life, Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell and Eternity. These views have been shaped by an ever-increasing drive towards secularisation. The mainstream of Western society is edging away from spiritual truth.

The departure of science and philosophy from biblical roots has helped shape contemporary legislation. Classrooms and lecture theatres provide the ‘legitimate’ forum for the advancement of theories taught as fact. For many, the concepts of God, Redemption, Judgment and Heaven and Hell have been designated to files of fantasy, myth and folklore. Barriers to hearts can be lifted as Christians are better able to reason and persuade in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

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Evidence of Life reviews global religion phenomena; it grapples with the question of science and origins; it gives evidence to support the claim for divine inspiration of the Scriptures; it looks at the uniqueness of Christianity, and at God’s image in humanity.

Evidence of Life
Evidence of Life
consists of four sessions:
Search for Life
Man the Enigma
Book of Life
Touched by Life