Barrier One
Despite the many different methods and programmes for evangelism in the West, statistics suggest that more than 90% of Christians are failing to effectively reach their own world with the Gospel. Barriers to communications exist between the Christian and non-Christian. These barriers must be lifted.
Barrier One is dealt with in Within Reach
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Barrier Two
New barriers to faith will be encountered. The world’s difficult, searching questions often remain unanswered. Non-truths about God, Creation, the Bible, Jesus Christ, Suffering, Heaven, Hell and Eternity can be held as truth in the mind. These non-truths will hinder the truth of the Gospel reaching the heart.
Barrier Two is dealt with in Evidence of Life
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Barrier Three
The final barriers to faith are the hidden ones of the human fallen condition, and then, beyond the human stage, malevolent spiritual opposition. An understanding of the depth of man’s problem, and a working knowledge of the Gospel’s power over our spiritual foe, is vital for lifting spiritual barriers.
Barrier Three is dealt with in Clash of Kingdoms
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Barrier Four
The great themes of salvation are designated a place in the Bible seminary but often fail to reach into the daily lives of ‘average’ Christians. A knowledge of all that God does at the point of salvation is essential to attract and make disciples. It will help establish new believers in their faith; preparing them for service.
Barrier Four is dealt with in the Discover Salvation 9 Week Cell Group Course
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Barrier Five
Some wonder at the weak, ineffectual brand of Christianity seen today. Why does our Christianity fall short of the power that accompanied the early Church? What has changed? Perhaps the answer lies in the quality of contemporary discipleship. Disciples are not born - they are made - and only as they are made is our commission fulfilled.
Barrier Five is dealt with in 21st Century Disciple
21st Century Disciple